
Sandra Yuen

Visual Arts:

I’m a painter and author.  I work in oils and acrylics. Currently, I’m painting and drawing house portraits of people’s homes. I enjoy drafting architecture and adding my own flair. I also am working on a series of abstracts in oil paint and solvents. I write and paint as part of my recovery from schizoaffective disorder. My books include My Schizophrenic Life: The Road to Recovery from Mental Illness, a memoir about schizophrenia; Chop Shtick , a humorous novel about artists and From New York to Vancouver: Stories on the Fly about relationships and madness. My pen name is Sandra Yuen MacKay.

Website: http://syuenartist.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syuenartist
Instagram: @syuenartist



About Kickstart Disability Arts

Kickstart Disability Arts and Culture is a Vancouver based arts non-profit that supports and promotes artists who identify as living with disabilities.